Why You Need Pre-Maritial Counseling


pre-marital counseling


Marriage is one of the most exciting and meaningful journeys of your entire life. It’s full of new beginnings, but for many, it’s laced with high anxiety. Even though over the years the divorce rate has slowly dropped, it still remains high. Which is why pre-marital counseling is a good idea before walking down the aisle. Counseling is a way to strengthen your current bond and can be used as a way to explore potential trouble spots and bumps that could pop up throughout the course of your marriage. While some people may hold a negative connotation about counseling before you’re married, there’s nothing bad about being proactive about your relationship. Here are some benefits of pre-marital counseling.

Peace of Mind

It’s not unusual or uncommon to have anxiety prior to tying the knot. In fact, it’s perfectly normal. It’s a major life decision, so it’s no surprise you’re feeling anxious. But sometimes the anxiety isn’t just general and it’s actually tied to specific issues. Premarital counseling will help to reassure you of your relationship. Also, it can give you the confidence you need to resolve your differences and not sweat the small stuff.

Learn Practical Tools

The biggest issue people have within a marriage is not understanding how the other communicates. Miscommunication is the #1 cause of arguments. However, premarital counseling is solution focused. Which means you and your partner will learn how to express difficult feelings, how to listen, how to meet one another’s needs, and how to have healthier arguments.

Enhancing Intimacy

Counseling of any type is extremely insightful which can have countless benefits in all areas of your life. With premarital counseling, you’ll be able to achieve greater insight in your relationship, which will ultimately increase and enhance your intimacy with your partner.

Deciding Next Steps

The first year of marriage is particularly hard because there are a lot of undiscussed issues that didn’t seem worth talking about. Things like who will do the dishes, who does the cleaning, who does the cooking, where holidays will be spent and other seemingly mundane things can have a major impact on your relationship. All of these questions and others can be answered during counseling.

Pre-marriage counseling is a smart investment for anyone getting ready to walk down the aisle. Choosing to do premarital counseling is not a sign of your relationship’s weakness, but rather a strength. It proves that you and your partner are both committed to making this marriage work. If you and your partner are thinking about tying the knot and have questions about marriage, call us today. One of our marriage counselors would be happy to talk with you and guide you through some of the challenges and strengths marriage has to offer.