3 Tips to Help Keep your Relationship Anxiety-Free When Buying a New Home

Anxiety-Free Relationships

In relationships, transition is inevitable. And with transition can come fear of the unknown. Although transition can be overwhelming, it doesn’t always have to stress you out or cause anxiety problems. For most couples, the dream of owning a home is just one more thing on a long list of must-haves for the future, but the process can sometimes be a relationship tester in how you and your mate navigate the uncharted waters of anxiety. The journey to homeownership doesn’t have to be a rocky one, it can be anxiety-free if you keep these three things in mind.



Keep Anxiety-Free Relationships when Buying a Home

Communication is always key.

When buying a home, there are a lot of moving parts: from gathering documents for the underwriter to being present during a home inspection—everyone needs something from you. Don’t get so bogged down with completing tasks for others that your spouse gets lost in the mix.Communication is and will always be the basis for a successful relationship. Communicate your stresses, worries, excitement and all the other emotions that come about when trying to purchase a home. Talk, talk, talk and talk some more! What’s really the point of having a partner if you can’t open up to him or her?

Make time for non-home buying-related activities.

Most of the home buying experience is just playing the waiting game, so unless you’re going to sit around twiddling your thumbs waiting to hear back, get out of the house with your partner and have fun! Helping to take your mind off of all the paperwork and the things that could go wrong will certainly help retain the positivity in your relationship. Some quality-time activities could include:

  • Going for a walk
  • Seeing a movie
  • Dining out
  • Bike riding
  • Working out

Any activity that would allow you and your partner to spend time together will help relieve stress and bring you both closer.

Discuss and make decisions together.

Remember, you’re a team; and a team is only as good as the teamwork that’s put in. Don’t leave your partner out of major decisions like the style of home, location, etc. Also, make sure to share in all the responsibilities that’ll help get you into your new home. For instance, don’t make one person the primary contact, share in speaking with your mortgage lender and/or realtor. This is one thing that contribute to resentment in a relationship—one person taking on the bulk of responsibility—and cause undue stress. Help alleviate anxiety by tag-teaming tasks.

Anxiety will most likely creep in when you’re making a huge decision like buying a home, but it doesn’t have to intrude on the tranquility of your relationship and make things more difficult than they have to be.

If you’re ever feeling like you’re not doing so well in managing your stress, connect with our Williamsburg anxiety therapists and Greenpoint therapists, and let us help transition smoothly into the next stage of your life as a homeowner.