False Expectations That Might Be Ruining Your Relationship

Couples Therapy       Things Must Always Be Fair/Equal I’m sure you’ve heard that “life is not fair.” Well, sometimes relationships aren’t exactly fair all the time, either. There may be times when your partner needs to lean on … Read More

3 Tips to Help Keep your Relationship Anxiety-Free When Buying a New Home

Anxiety-Free Relationships In relationships, transition is inevitable. And with transition can come fear of the unknown. Although transition can be overwhelming, it doesn’t always have to stress you out or cause anxiety problems. For most couples, the dream of owning … Read More

Top 3 Tips for Successful Relationship Therapy

Getting Through Relationship Therapy Sometimes we need a professional to help us through relationship issues. Making the commitment to seek couples therapy is a huge step, but the work doesn’t stop there. Couple’s therapy and counseling takes a significant amount … Read More

Avoiding Anxiety in Relationships

Being in a great relationship can produce some of the most incredible feelings of being comfortable, content, and safe. It’s typically some form of this “happy place” that most of us picture, when envisioning the “perfect relationship”. The tough part … Read More