4 Ways to Resolve Conflict in Relationships

    In all healthy relationships, platonic, familial, and romantic, communication is key. Effective communication can help you better understand those around you. As a result of effective communication, you successfully develop stronger, healthier, and more mature relationships. Even though … Read More

5 Things You Can Do To Decrease Your Anger

    Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences at different points throughout their life. Unfortunately, there are times when it can become excessive and even dangerous. If you regularly experience getting “worked up” or are constantly stewing over something, you … Read More

Cognitive Therapy for Depression

    Most patients who are treated with depression respond positively to medication. However, there are a select few of individuals who do not respond to medication alone. There are also people who end up with residual symptoms from medications or … Read More

4 Characteristics of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

A Therapeutic Technique It’s safe to say, that when a major decision is looming over your head, research can be a God-send. This especially rings true when you or a loved one is considering therapy. Researching and learning about available … Read More

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Behavioral Therapy

Be Proactive There are many different types of therapy available out there, but which one is right for you? Behavioral therapy enables you to take the initiative and be proactive in your life. Human beings learn by consistency, and behavioral … Read More